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Useful Resources on the Web:



American Urogynecologic Society  

A great starting point for patients seeking information about pelvic floor disorders.  This site is a highly reliable website with patient information available on the majority of pelvic floor conditions treated by urogynecologists. 


International Urogynecologic Association

Excellent PDF handouts (and available in multiple languages) and illustrations regarding pelvic floor disorders and treatment options.


National Association for Continence

A reliable resource for information about incontinence for both men and women.


The Simon Foundation

A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an understanding of the diagnosis and treatment options for incontinence in both men and women.


Insterstitial Cystitis Association

Excellent resource for information related to the diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis.  Includes links to IC support groups and the latest research.


American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The national website for the general obstetrics and gynecology practices.


Women’s Health Foundation

Patient oriented website addressing pelvic health conditions and treatment options.  Links to pelvic exercise resources.



Description of the Interstim procedure, a form of sacral nerve modulation used for the treatment of bladder control issues.


Ethicon Women’s Health and Urology

Additional information explaining many of the surgeries and innovative materials used to treat incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.


University Medical Center at Princeton

Providing directions and contact information for the hospital and surgery center at Princeton.  Local health care resources and educational outreach information can also be found through this website.


Worldwide Fistula Fund

An organization, in which Dr. van Raalte is an active part of, dedicated to the treatment of Vesicovaginal fistulas in underserved areas of the world

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